«2022 represented for most of us the so much expected light at the end of the tunnel! After two years of cancelled or virtualized events, we finally could proceed with most of our activities the way they should have been. In particular, the Spring meeting and the general assembly (in Geneva), on one hand, and the Fall meeting (in Zürich) were a formidable opportunity to reconnect with each other. The joy that could be read on everyone’s face was a clear testimony of the necessity of human interactions in our activity. And this is an important message for us at the SCS, that we should continue to promote the organization of many meetings, a strategic orientation what was taken some years ago and recently intensified.» 
Prof. Christian Bochet, President of the SCS

After two years of limited opportunities to hold on-site events due to the COVID pandemic restrictions, the SCS was finally able to return to normality with its activities. After two online events in the beginning of the year, we had the opportunity to successfully hold close to twenty on-site symposia and congresses respectively and were able to generate an important contribution to the exchange between academia and industry.

One of the highlights was the second Swiss Chemistry Science Night at the Casino Bern, where more than 120 invited guests enjoyed the evening and celebrated the SCS Award Winners 2022.

In addition to the well-established activities that are part of the SCS program for years and are mentioned later in this annual report, we focused on the following, new or specific initiatives in 2022: 

  • provide event organization services for third parties and support partners to implement onsite or virtual conferences.
  • further develop the IT infrastructure for SCS events.
  • extend the SCS Partnership program to 23 companies.
  • collaborate with LS2 to expand the intellectual property and patent seminar program to include industrial participants.
  • establish of a task force to address the structural deficit be-tween Universities, Government, and Industry to offer adequate career entry opportunities

The Swiss Chemical Society is a not-for-profit organization. Its programs are financed through sponsoring contributions, publishing, revenues from activities, and the membership-fees. Part of the programs of the society receive support from the SCS-Foundation. The foundation accepts financial contributions from institutional and private donors for activities exempt from taxation. We would like to thank all our members, sponsors and partners who supported us financially and logistically in 2022.

Furthermore, we related to many organizations to support and implement all the interesting projects and initiatives.

Please enjoy reading through the 2022 annual report that shows again a very active and lively society

Prof. Christian Bochet                  David Spichiger
President                                              Executive Director



The SCS Annual Report is also published in CHIMIA Volume 77, No 1-2/2023


Céline Wittwer, SCS