After six years as SCS representative on the scienceindustries Board, Hans Peter Lüthi stepped down at the scienceindustries General Assembly at the Novartis Campus, Basel, on May 26. During the dinner the evening before, scienceindustries President Matthias Leuenberger officially recognized all resigning board members with a laudation for each of them. He also acknowledged the career of Hans Peter Lüthi and thanked him for his services in the context of the scienceindustries mandate.

David Spichiger, SCS Executive Director, was appointed to the Board as Hans Peter Lüthi's successor. In the same way as his predecessor, David Spichiger will also be a member of the Board of Directors' Education and Research Committee and will ensure that education and research are key subjects for strengthening Switzerland's position as a business location and that networking between academia, industry and the government continues to be promoted.

About scienceindustries

scienceindustries is the Swiss Business Association Chemistry Pharma Life Sciences. More than 250 companies within the chemical, pharmaceutical, life sciences and other science-based industries operating in Switzerland are members. scienceindustries is a significant member of economiesuisse, the umbrella organization of the Swiss economy.

David Spichiger, SCS