Congratulations to Selina K. Kaiser, ETH Zürich for winning the first prize (CHF 5’000) of the Swiss CleanTech Award 2021 for her research on «Nanostructured Catalysis for Sustainable Acetylene-Based Vinyl Chloride Production»

The second price (CHF 2’500) went to Scott R. Docherty, ETH Zürich for his project on «Bimetallic Palladium-Gallium Catalysts for the Hy-drogenation of CO2 to Methanol».
The third prize (1’500) was awarde to Wooseok Yang, University of Zürich for his research on «Conversion of solar energy into a vector suitable for storage using Sb2Se3».
The forth prize (CHF 1’000) went to Ahmed Elabd, University of Fribourg for his project on «Functional Mechanically Inter-locked Polymers for Stabilizing High Energy Density Batteries»

The award program honors outstanding scientific achievements of Master students, PhD students, and Postdocs in Switzerland in the field of Sustainable Chemistry, in areas such as resource efficiency, renewable energy, renewable raw materials or green technologies and environmental protection. As a company that creates value through sustainability and innovation, Clariant is particularly concerned about strengthening the knowledge base of CleanTech in Switzerland by sponsoring basic research and fostering the knowledge and technology transfer between indus-try and academia.

The award ceremony 2021 took place at ILMAC Basel on October 20, 2021