
More than 160 participants joined the SCS Spring Meeting at PSI in Villigen on April 19, 2013. Seven invited speakers and the two Werner Prize winners 2013, Prof. Cristina Nevado and Prof. Clément Mazet, presented their talks on the topic «Opportunities and Challenges in Catalysis».

In the name of the SCS I like to thank again the invited speakers, Prof. Matthias Beller, Prof. Emiel J.M. Hensen, Prof. Anett Schallmey, Dr. Jürgen Gieshoff, Prof. Philippe Sautet, Dr. Laurent Lefort and Prof. Unni Olsbye and the oganizers, Dr. Davide Ferri, Prof. Linda Thöny-Meyer and Prof. Andreas Pfalz for thier excellent work. It was a great pleasure for all of us, from participants to speakers to exhibitors.


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David Spichiger, SCS