The 2023 EuChemS Yearbook was released in February. It contains all the activities of EuChemS over the course of the last year.

EuChemS was involved in numerous scientific and science-policy related undertakings in 2023. The yearbook provides descriptions of policy related advisory groups and events of EuChemS – including, but not limited to stakeholder group participations and policy workshops -, as well as its efforts to strengthen the European chemistry community. It also lists EuChemS Science Communication initiatives and data, as well as information on the constitution of the 2023 Executive board, Divisions, Member Societies and secretariat.

The production of the yearbook was coordinated by the EuChemS Secretariat, but many more members of EuChemS contributed to ensuring the high quality and accuracy of the publication.

We are delighted to invite you to read our 2023 yearbook, and we would be happy to hear about any feedback you may have!

Read the 2023 EuChemS Yeabook


Céline Wittwer, SCS | Marton Kottmayer, EuChemS